• Server Stats
  • Status Offline
  • First Seen 02/05/2022
  • Last Seen 02/16/2022
  • Total Kills 0
  • Totals Deaths 0
  • KDR 0.00
  • Time Spent 0 days, 17 hr, 44 mins

Last 100 Kills

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
Custom SMG ( 1 m) Stomach 02/16/2022 5:44 PM
Custom SMG ( 1 m) Head 02/16/2022 5:43 PM
Stone Pickaxe ( 0 m) Head 02/05/2022 4:49 AM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Hunting Bow ( 0 m) Head 02/05/2022 4:48 AM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Double Barrel Shotgun ( 1 m) Neck 02/05/2022 4:24 AM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Mace ( 0 m) Head 02/05/2022 3:07 AM

Last 100 Deaths

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
Bolt Action Rifle ( 0 m) Head 02/17/2022 4:26 PM
Unknown ( 0 m) N/A 02/16/2022 5:56 PM
MP5A4 ( 12 m) Right Arm 02/16/2022 5:07 PM
Semi-Automatic Pistol ( 1 m) Head 02/16/2022 12:52 AM
holden tudix
Pickaxe ( 1 m) Head 02/05/2022 10:50 PM
Unknown ( 1 m) Head 02/05/2022 10:41 PM
bill cliton
Hunting Bow ( 3 m) Head 02/05/2022 10:37 PM
she a fucking fan
Pickaxe ( 0 m) Left Hand 02/05/2022 10:34 PM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Rock ( 0 m) Neck 02/05/2022 10:06 PM
Rock ( 0 m) Lower Spine 02/05/2022 4:49 AM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Longsword ( 0 m) Left Arm 02/05/2022 4:26 AM
Hunting Bow ( 1 m) Head 02/05/2022 4:19 AM
Unknown ( 2 m) Left Hand 02/05/2022 3:07 AM
Sassy the Sasquatch
Rock ( 0 m) Right Hand 02/05/2022 2:50 AM
❤Candy Cane❤
Eoka Pistol ( 0 m) Head 02/05/2022 2:44 AM