• Server Stats
  • Status Offline
  • First Seen 05/15/2020
  • Last Seen 05/15/2020
  • Total Kills 0
  • Totals Deaths 0
  • KDR 0.00
  • Time Spent 0 days, 2 hr, 59 mins

Last 100 Kills

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Crossbow ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:41 PM
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 3 m) Chest 05/15/2020 5:48 PM

Last 100 Deaths

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
예수 그리스도
Hatchet ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 8:09 PM
June June
Thompson ( 0 m) Right Arm 05/15/2020 8:05 PM
Spas-12 Shotgun ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 7:46 PM
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 5 m) Hip 05/15/2020 7:45 PM
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 0 m) Right Hand 05/15/2020 7:39 PM
Azolge's /rustchance.com
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 7:29 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Pickaxe ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 7:14 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Rock ( 0 m) Right Hand 05/15/2020 6:37 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Crossbow ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:33 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:12 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Crossbow ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:11 PM