• Server Stats
  • Status Offline
  • First Seen 05/15/2020
  • Last Seen 05/15/2020
  • Total Kills 0
  • Totals Deaths 0
  • KDR 0.00
  • Time Spent 0 days, 8 hr, 42 mins

Last 100 Kills

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 2 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:12 PM
Nemo the yellow clown fish
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 2 m) Head 05/15/2020 6:12 PM
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 20 m) Head 05/15/2020 5:50 PM
Waterpipe Shotgun ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 2:48 PM
Booty Eater
Salvaged Sword ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 12:54 PM
Booty Eater
Waterpipe Shotgun ( 4 m) Head 05/15/2020 12:43 PM
Booty Eater
Crossbow ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 12:29 PM
Booty Eater
Waterpipe Shotgun ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 12:23 PM
trevdog 小家伙
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 41 m) Head 05/15/2020 3:24 AM
Hatchet ( 0 m) Neck 05/15/2020 2:15 AM
Hunting Bow ( 2 m) Head 05/15/2020 1:34 AM
Hunting Bow ( 0 m) Head 05/15/2020 1:33 AM

Last 100 Deaths

Name Weapon Body Part Date
Name Weapon Body Part Date
젊음의 주스
Assault Rifle ( 16 m) Head 05/15/2020 7:28 PM
Semi-Automatic Rifle ( 35 m) Head 05/15/2020 4:25 PM
Bolt Action Rifle ( 163 m) Head 05/15/2020 4:10 PM
Pee in a Cup Call it Urineade
MP5A4 ( 2 m) Neck 05/15/2020 12:32 PM
351 | Rudolph
Thompson ( 1 m) Head 05/15/2020 11:58 AM
Thompson ( 18 m) Head 05/15/2020 11:57 AM
trevdog 小家伙
Assault Rifle ( 30 m) Neck 05/15/2020 3:26 AM